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Solving enteric fermentation with 
Performance Digestion.


What is enteric fermentation?

Enteric fermentation refers to the digestive process that occurs in the stomachs of ruminant animals such as cows, sheep, and goats. These animals have a unique digestive system called the rumen that allows them to break down and extract nutrients from plant material, particularly cellulose, which is otherwise indigestible to most other animals.

The methane producing microbes that live in the rumen consume hydrogen and carbon dioxide, and convert it into nature’s most energy-dense form of carbon, methane! This methane is burped out, wasting up to 10% of the nutrition in an animal’s feed.


Methane (CH4)


Methane is 80x more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide.


Global green house emissions from ruminant methane.

20 yr

Methane is one of the most impactful GHG to mitigate as it degrades over 20-years.

Cattle eating feed from a trough

The science of Performance Digestion.

Methane emissions are not only harmful to the environment, but they represent wasted nutrition in animal feed. Every molecule of methane belched into the atmosphere is energy that could otherwise have been utilised by the animal to produce meat, milk, or wool.

Our line of feed additives, BetterFeed™, prevents these methane-belching microbes from growing and redirects the carbon and hydrogen they were consuming into organic molecules that the animal can grow on. BetterFeed’s ability to manage rumen energy means producers can increase animal productivity while helping the environment.

Our products are designed to consistently realise this productivity benefit through a process we call Performance Digestion.

Green dots forming a circle

Delivering change at a global scale.

Performance Digestion opens up exciting possibilities for innovation across various industries by harnessing the power of microorganisms to produce valuable and sustainable products at low cost and large scale.


At Number 8 Bio we're using Performance Digestion and Synthetic Biology to lead the path to a green agricultural revolution.

Good people, doing good work with real impact.

Piece of beef speared on end of a fork

Helping deliver carbon negative food for everyone.

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